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Do you have any questions about chiropractic care, what a chiropractor does, or anything else about the services we provide?
Our frequently asked questions section will hopefully address any queries you may have.
Do you see Medicare patients?The Chronic Disease Management (formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) is a government initiative that allows people with chronic injuries or ailments to access professional services to assist with the management of their condition with the benefits of a Medicare Rebate. A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer. Australians are entitled to 5 subsidised visits during the calendar year if they have been referred by their GP under this scheme to receive chiropractic care
Do you take health funds?Yes We Do! We provide you on the spot with an invoice for manual claims which in this day and age is super easy and fast to do! Nearly all Health Funds allow you to claim immediately online, or on your phone using their mobile app.
Do you see Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) patients?If you have a Gold or White Health Card/Veteran Card you may be able to access subsidised chiropractic services available through DVA arrangements, to meet your clinical needs. You must be referred to the chiropractor issued by a GP. In certain circumstances, a referral may also be issued by a medical specialist, or a health professional as part of a hospital discharge. A referral is valid for up to 12 sessions of allied health treatment or one year, whichever ends first. This 'treatment cycle' aims to promote quality clinical care so that you have the best possible prospects for living a healthy life.
Do I need a referral to see a Chiropractor?No. It is not a necessity to be referred as Chiropractors are primary health care providers! That means, we can see anyone without a letter required from your GP or other specialists. It is always great though to bring any information such as medical reports with you for your first visit!
Can I book online?Definitely! Online booking can be found on our contact's page.
What are your opening hours?Dubbo Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6:30pm Saturday: 8:30am - 1pm Nyngan Alternate Wednesdays 10am - 6pm
Are you at other locations?Yes, apart from the main clinic in Dubbo, we also have a satellite clinic in Nyngan- so if you’re coming in from the West, it may be closer for you and save you some travel time!
Do you do home visits?Yes we are able to provide home visits in emergencies and in a Central Dubbo location. We supply the equipment, all you need to provide is a flat ground and working space for our portable gear
Do you have x-ray facilities?No we do not do x-rays in-house, however there are local imaging services in Dubbo that we, your GP or specialists commonly refer to that do provide bulk-billing services: Orana Radiology PRP
Who’s behind JC Chiropractic?Dr Jacqueline Cheong M.Chiro. B.Chiro.Sc. is the Principal Chiropractor at JC Chiropractic. Dr Jacqueline has a wealth of clinical experience having worked in established chiropractic clinics for 3 years in Sydney and 6 years in the United Kingdom before moving to country Australia in 2016 to provide health services in Dubbo and surrounds with clinics in Dubbo, Nyngan and Gilgandra. Daniel Hulley is the Practice Manager. Daniel has many years of business experience within the health industry, creating, and running his own aged care agency for the last 5 years. Daniel is in charge of coordinating and managing the smooth running of our practice. Originally heralding from the UK, Daniel has worked closely with different patients and clients for over 18 years. Daniel has a passion for helping people and ensuring that patients achieve the best possible results through treatment plans. He has found working, and living in Australia to be a wonderful experience, especially rural Australia, coming from a close knit community himself.
How long have you been doing this for?Dr Jacqueline has a wealth of clinical experience having worked in established chiropractic clinics for 3 years in Sydney and 6 years in the United Kingdom. From 2016 she has provided provide health services in Dubbo and surrounds with clinics in Dubbo, Nyngan and Gilgandra.
Why did you decide to relocate to the country?After 6 years in the UK, Dr Jacqueline returned home to her family in Sydney. She had opportunities to settle in Sydney, but felt like there was more to Australia than the city life and decided to move to the country to experience the rural lifestyle and also help fulfil the need for health services in rural communities. She also needed to catch up on her Vitamin D from her stint in the UK!
How many years does it take to study chiropractic?Dr Jacqueline graduated after 5 years of study at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia with a Masters of Chiropractic and Bachelor of Chiropractic Science.
Why did you become a Chiropractor?Born and raised in Sydney, at a young age Dr Jacqueline had a passion for health and the wonders of how the human body worked. After attending a variety of work experience in the health field, she discovered chiropractic and was impressed by this unique, vitalistic healthcare profession that did not require the equipment and medications that most other healthcare did. Chiropractic relied purely on the natural healing potential of the body and a chiropractor’s ability to influence it by hand.
What style of Chiropractic do you practice?As a chiropractor, Dr Jacqueline specialises in the treatment of acute and chronic neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Helping your body and spine to move better, and therefore your nervous system to function at its highest level allows your health to perform at its highest ability too. Her approach to care involves utilising treatment protocols consisting of a solid patient education, chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue techniques, exercise and stretch prescription, and lifestyle, ergonomic and postural advice. Dr Jacqueline's methods are highly effective in resolving pain, restoring function and maintaining long-term health for her patients. She loves caring for a wide variety of people from all walks of life and is passionate about helping her patients achieve their optimal health potential.
What is chiropractic care?The term “chiropractic” is derived from the Greek word “chiropraktikos”, meaning “done by hand”. The World Health Organisation defines chiropractic as a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic care emphasizes the conservative management of the neuromusculoskeletal system, without the use of medicines and surgery. (World Health Organization (WHO) definition, Guidelines on Chiropractic (2005)). Simply put, chiropractic care is the conservative management of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system through treatments that require the use of the hands known as “adjustments”. Treatments also include ergonomic and postural assessments, nutritional and lifestyle counselling, cold or heat therapy, therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises.
What is an Adjustment?Chiropractic adjustments are specific spinal manipulations and usually involve a quick and very precise thrust that helps restore motion to spinal joints that aren’t moving correctly. Some methods in our clinic use the doctor’s hands, special instruments, a special table, or the force of gravity. There are many ways to adjust the spine.
What makes the “popping” or “cracking” sound during an Adjustment?Lubricating fluids separate the bones of each spinal joint. Some adjusting methods can produce a sound when the gas and fluids in the joint shift. It’s much like opening a bottle of champagne or removing a suction cup. The sound is interesting, but isn’t a guide to the quality or value of the adjustment.
Are chiropractic treatments painful?No. At most, patients may occasionally experience mild soreness or aching following treatment (as with some forms of exercise), which usually dissipates in a day or two. Chiropractic is therefore suitable for just about anyone, the elderly, pregnant women, and children included.
Can I perform chiropractic adjustments on myself?No. While it is possible to turn, bend or twist your body in certain directions to create a “popping” sound, this type of self joint manipulation is usually counterproductive. This type of self joint movement can cause an already unstable or degenerated joint to be more unstable and worsen the condition. Treating the spine is not for amateurs!
Will Adjustments make my body too loose, or bones move too much?"No. Only the spinal joints that are “locked up” receive adjustments. This allows weakened muscles and ligaments to stabilize and heal and normal spinal reflexes to be restored A chiropractic adjustment is special. It has the right amount of energy, delivered to an exact spot, at a precise angle, at just the right time. The intent is to get a “stuck” spinal joint moving again, helping reduce nerve interference. Years of training, practice and experience make chiropractic adjustments extremely specific and safe.
Is everyone Adjusted the same way?No. Each patient’s spine and care plan is unique. With 24 moving bones in the spine (that can each move in 12 different directions!) we see a wide variety of spinal patterns. Each patient’s care is custom tailored for their age, condition and health goals.
What is the difference between physiotherapy and chiropractic?Yes. Chiropractic is a primary health care profession. Chiropractic is the third largest primary contact healthcare provider profession in Australia. Doctors of Chiropractic specialise in the holistic diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions that result from problems with joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves of the body and in particular the spine. Chiropractic treatment includes manual manipulation with the hands also known as adjustments, ergonomic and postural assessments, nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counselling, cold or heat therapy, therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises. The type of treatment used will largely depend on the condition, the severity of the condition and the likely outcomes. Physiotherapy on the other hand is one of the allied health professions whose focus is on the recovery of functions. This is done through treatments based on ultrasound, strengthening, taping, massaging, stretching and specific exercises to the presented symptomatic area of the body. Physiotherapy has been found to be an integral part of the hospital health care systems in postoperative and general rehabilitation.
Is it ok to see a Chiropractor if I am pregnant?Yes. Chiropractic care is safe for the pregnant mother and her baby. Many pregnant women find that chiropractic care helps to improve their pregnancy by keeping the spine, joints and nervous system functioning optimally. They also find that it can help to make the delivery process easier for themselves and the baby. A lot of the time, the protruding abdomen and increased back curve, pelvic changes and postural adaptations are the cause of the aches and pain for pregnant women. Chiropractic treatment can provide relief from the increased low back pain brought on by pregnancy. Chiropractic care can be especially appealing to those who are trying to avoid medication in treating their aches and pain. The chiropractic treatment is modified and adapted to the mothers’ size, age and stage of pregnancy.
Can the elderly receive chiropractic treatment?Yes. Chiropractic care is important for the elderly because of spinal degeneration such as arthritis/ osteoarthritis/ osteoporosis/ spondylosis as you age. As you age, spinal discs, ligaments, muscles and other spinal tissues become weaker and less able to withstand normal stresses. As a result, spinal pain from spinal degeneration becomes prominent, tissue injury from relatively benign events occurs, and the time to heal from injuries increases. Of course, when developing a care plan, your chiropractic doctor considers the unique circumstances of each patient.There are many ways to adjust the spine. The method selected will be best suited to your age, size and health.
Is there any special attire I should wear during treatments?No. Patients are treated in their clothing and do not need to gown down. Draping will be used where necessary for comfort.
Is chiropractic a recognised profession?AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) is the organisation responsible for the implementation of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme across Australia, which requires practitioners to maintain an updated education training and ethical standards of care. Dr Jacqueline is a registered practitioner of AHPRA and the GCC (General Chiropractic Council UK), the regulatory body for Chiropractic in the United Kingdom.
Are chiropractors real doctors?If by definition of a real doctor you mean an MD or GP, you are right, we are definitely not MDs or GPs. Chiropractors don’t prescribe drugs or surgery in our practice. Does it mean we are totally against drug and surgery? Absolutely not, drugs and surgery have their own place in the medical system. It is up to the right qualified professionals to decide the usage of drugs and surgery. For those seeking pain management through drugs and surgery instead of focusing on the core problem, then chiropractic is definitely not the right choice for you. Chiropractors are offering a less invasive method to deal with your pain management and as well as healthy, normal lifestyle. Proper chiropractic training must be obtained in Australia usually with 5 years of university education, with ongoing continuing professional education in line with AHPRA standards. A chiropractor is a health consultant specialising in neuromuscular skeletal function.
Chiropractic doesn’t work, I tried it before."Chiropractic is not a life-transforming miracle pill that works on the first try with 100% chance of recovery. Chiropractic simply facilitates the healing of the body. Healing takes time and requires patience. Your recovery progress is monitored, if we find that you are not progressing appropriately according to your case, we will reassess and where necessary refer you to our healthcare partners for alternative treatments.
Are there risks involved in chiropractic treatment?There are risks involved in any healthcare business. Botched procedures in hospitals happen on a daily basis, but they largely go unreported. Before you come to visit, do have a clear idea of your health history and bring along any accompanying medical documents. The more information you provide, the better the advice we can give and the lower the risks.
What happens on my First Visit?During your first visit, your chiropractor will go through a thorough medical history and a physical examination of the musculoskeletal, neurological and functional movements systems is performed to work out the cause of the patients concern. If the cause of the concern can be diagnosed and no further testing is essential, treatment will start right away.
What happens on my Second Visit?After the initial consultation, a follow up visit will be required. This is to see how your body has responded and a plan of the best way to manage the problem is also presented. This plan may involve exercises, stretches, lifestyle changes, postural corrections and nutritional advice. Further treatment would continue the healing process.
Can I see improvements immediately? How long until I’ll feel better?Usually after the first session, some experience almost instant relief. Others discover it can take many weeks or in really chronic cases, months to see significant improvements. It depends on how severe your condition is, how well your body is reacting to the treatment, and most importantly, how regularly you are coming in for treatment. The more consistent you are, the better the results. Many factors can affect the healing process. How long have you had your problem? Are you keeping your appointments? Are you getting the proper rest, exercise and nutrition? Do you smoke? Are you in otherwise good condition? Within a short period of time most patients sense enough progress to fully complete their doctor’s recommendations.
Why am I sore after getting adjusted?It is common and typically completely normal to feel a little sore after an adjustment. In fact, in many ways it can be thought of as a good sign. Changes in the body rarely come without some type of temporary soreness or discomfort. For example, if you go to the gym for the first time do you usually feel great the next day? Probably not. In a similar way, the body changes that are brought about from a chiropractic adjustment can cause soreness while the affected joints adjust to new movement patterns and positions, and the soft tissues and muscles realign themselves. This generally only lasts a short time of approximately 24-48 hours
How many adjustments will I need?The number of adjustments varies with each patient and their individual health goals and requirements. Most patients will sense progress within a week or two of frequent visits. Visits will usually become less often as your spine stabilizes. In chronic cases (where problems have been slowly worsening for years) healing can take months or even years. We are committed to helping our clients achieve long term relief and reach their optimal health potential through providing customised chiropractic care specific to their needs. If more than one treatment session is required, a customised treatment plan will be advised
How long will I need Chiropractic care?After patients get the relief they want, many choose to continue with some type of periodic care. These patients show up for their visits feeling great. These visits can help support the final stages of healing and help detect and resolve new problems before they become serious. Prevention is always better than cure however our job is to offer the very best care and your job is to decide how much of it you want.
Will I receive any medication for my pain?No. Chiropractic doctors don’t dispense drugs. Because we rely on natural methods, we can show you how to use ice or heat therapy to control painful symptoms. When properly applied, ice and/or heat can have an analgesic (pain relieving) effect without the side effects of pain medications.
If I have a back problem but need to travel regularly/often, will my treatment progress be affected?"As long as you come for treatment regularly, your progress will not be affected. Even if you can’t make it regularly, you should still make time for treatment whenever you can. Progress may be slower but It’s better than not doing anything about it.
What if Chiropractic doesn’t work for me?If we’re unable to find and correct the cause of your particular health problem, we will refer to other specialists who may be able to help. Your health is our only goal.
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